Elaine lost her ring in the golden sands of Tahunanui beach Nelson.
The ring was custom made by hand especially for Elaine when she left Scotland 30 odd years ago. A little piece of home to take with her on her travels abroad. For the past 30
As you can imagine, when the ring flew from finger and buried itself in the sand Elaine was more than a little distraught. After some time of standing and staring at the sand Elaine and her friend decided that a more thorough search was going to be required.
A systematic grid search began as they scraped the top layer of sand away. Helpful bystanders offered advice on how to proceed, but as time passed, the search had grown and yet still no ring had been found.
Reluctantly, they gave up and retreated to their rented accommodation to drown their sorrows. Calling on Doctor Google for assistance they happened across the Mine For Gold metal detectors and ring finders website. A damsel in distress request was lodged, still with little hope they would be united with the precious ring.
Fortunately, the local detectorist was quick to respond and was happy for an early morning treasure hunt before Elaine and her friend had to board a plane
Up at 6am (lucky it had been clocks back an hour for daylight savings that night!) and off to the beach. Arriving a little before the agreed time to meet the ladies, he headed off along the beach according to the directions given over the phone the night before.
Next to the log (unfortunately recent storms had deposited many logs), against the grass, within sight of the big slide (narrowing the options somewhat). Checking likely logs along the way but heading for the one that looked most like a seat two ladies would find an attractive option to pass the time on.
Bleep – a strong signal rings out. Unfortunately, a quick dig reveals a bottle cap rather than a platinum ring.
Bleep – another strong signal. This one sounds better. A quick scoop with the shovel and the target has been shifted, but it is still not obvious. No wonder they didn’t find it. However, the trusty Garrett pinpointer makes short work of locating the elusive ring.

When Elaine and her friend show up at the beach they were very surprised to find that they didn’t need to try and GPS match their spot again as the ring was already found. It is fair to say they were more than a little pleased to be reunited. Hugs and a more than generous reward were exchanged.
Once again the family will be left to fight over Mum’s favourite ring when the estate is divided up, but until then, it has found a new home on a bigger finger and won’t be dislodged again!
Another fabulous result from the Mine For Gold ring finder team of metal detectors for hire.