A request came in from a lady in distress and her skeptical husband. The next day another hunt for a lost ring was arranged. Their story as it unfolds is continued below.
“Recently my 93-year-old mother visited us from Australia and gave me her wedding and engagement rings as a gift. I put the engagement ring away but wore the wedding ring which seemed to fit quite well.
A couple of Sundays ago, and because the weather was so beautiful, we went for a walk down the beach at Rabbit Island. We sat in the sand up past the high tide mark for a while before deciding to continue our walk. I stood up and dusted the sand off, and the ring flew off my finger and landed somewhere in the sand. We scrabbled around for ages before realising it was a lost cause and that it was gone for good.
Later on that evening I suddenly wondered if there was a metal detector in the Nelson region. Dean (from Mineforgold.co.nz) texted