The Bucket Sluice Concentrator
Reducing classified material can be a slow and laborious with a gold pan, especially if there are high levels of black sand. The Bucket Sluice Concentrator both makes this a simpler process and salvages a higher percentage of gold.
The Bucket Sluice Concentrator is made from ABS plastic for long life and is molded to advanced design specifications. The light weight plastic reduces harmonic vibration from the water flow to an absolute minimum allowing even the finest gold to settle into the specially designed riffles. The riffles themselves are a drop riffle design that mimics natural traps in rock, they are fast cleaning and low turbulence unlike the traditional Hungarian design. Trapping the fine gold is where the Bucket Sluice Concentrator soon pays for itself over other forms of gold extraction from concentrate.
If water use is a concern then the Bucket Sluice Concentrator is the ideal tool as it can be set up with a water pump (low volume pumps of 12 liters per minute to 60 lpm) to recycle the water, or it can be plugged into a garden house. When correctly set up the gold is all captured in the first three riffles. If you see any gold making it beyond these first three riffles turn the water flow down slightly.
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